

Product Information

AI-powered Content Repurposing

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Added on May/22

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Automata Feature

Automata is an AI-powered content repurposing tool designed to help marketers maximize their existing content. Key features and advantages include:

  • Content conversion: Quickly convert marketing assets into various content forms for distribution across multiple channels

  • Chrome Extension: Repurpose content as LinkedIn posts without leaving the page

  • Content repurposing templates: Transform content into LinkedIn posts, Twitter threads, summaries, Q&A sections, and newsletters in a single workflow

  • Extract key points: Pull essential information from PDFs and videos to create more engaging content

Use cases for Automata cater to various marketing needs:

  • Marketers seeking to repurpose and optimize their existing content for increased reach

  • Content creators looking to streamline the content creation process across multiple platforms

  • Social media managers aiming to efficiently distribute content on various channels

Overall, Automata offers a comprehensive solution for marketers to harness the power of AI and make the most of their content.

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