

Product Information

Comprehensive Crypto Trading Tool for Traders and Newbies Alike

Added on June/03


Paid plans start from $8.25/mo.

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CoinScreener Feature helps you maximize your crypto trading potential with AI by getting the latest insights and trading signals to help you make informed decisions in the crypto markets.


  • 1000+ Markets Monitored

  • 100B+ Daily Volume Scanned

  • 1500+ Top Traders Tracked

  • Real-time, accurate market data and insights

  • Advanced technical analysis tools

  • AI-generated trading signals

  • Follow top traders' strategies

  • Track whale activities for 1000+ Future & Spot markets

  • Real-time alerts on market pumps & dumps and unusual volume activities

Use Cases:

  • Make smarter trading decisions with AI insights

  • Trade like the pros by following their strategies

  • Stay informed on whale activities and market movements

  • Unlock full crypto trading potential

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