AI & Analytics Engine


Product Information

Machine Learning made easy. For predictions in minutes. No coding required.

Added on September/07

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AI & Analytics Engine Feature

PI.EXCHANGE's AI & Analytics Engine is a no-code machine learning platform that simplifies and accelerates your pathway to making predictions from your data.

Key features and advantages include:

  • Pre-built ML Solution Templates: Great for business users

  • Build-it-yourself flow: For more customization across regression, classification, and clustering problems all accessible through the easy-to-use GUI

  • Accelerated pathway: Simplifies the process of making predictions from your data

Use cases for PI.EXCHANGE's AI & Analytics Engine involve:

  • Marketers and analysts: Easily leverage their data to train and use predictive models to make smart real-time decisions

  • Data scientists and developers: Accelerate their workflow and simplify the process of making predictions from their data.

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