

Product Information

Comprehensive book modification solution with proofreading, paraphrasing, and translation.

Added on May/22


Paid plans start from $29

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BookEdit Feature

BookEdit is an innovative app that enables users to modify entire books in mere minutes. With its advanced proofreading, paraphrasing, translation, and expansion capabilities, it streamlines the book modification process, saving users time and effort.

Key Features:

  • Rapid book modification: Modify entire books in just minutes.

  • Advanced proofreading: Enhanced proofreading features ensure flawless text.

  • Intelligent paraphrasing: Effortlessly paraphrase content while maintaining original meaning.

  • Multilingual translation: Seamless translation capabilities for diverse languages.

  • Content expansion: Develop and enrich your content with expansion features.

Use Cases:

• Accelerate the book editing and modification process to save time and effort.

• Ensure error-free content with advanced proofreading capabilities.

• Adapt and repurpose content for various purposes with intelligent paraphrasing.

• Reach a global audience with seamless translation features.

Embrace the revolutionized book modification experience offered by BookEdit, allowing you to focus on creating quality content while the app handles the rest.

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