

Product Information

Mason is a data analytics tool designed to help software development teams quickly answer questions about their data.

Added on September/27

fremium paid

Paid plans start from $14

Mason Feature

What is Mason

Mason was a nifty little data analytics tool that came into existence in 2021, but unfortunately, it is being closed down. So what exactly was Mason? Picture three tech-savvy groups– one into engineering, another into design, and the third one into product management – who got fed up with clunky data tools. They had been through the mill with startups and even worked at Shopify where they were taught about the power of speed: get stuff out there quickly, learn from it, and improve at an incredible rate. They realized that the existing analytics tools were not enough for them. These were too complex, made for big data teams, not for everyday folks like them. And so they made Mason. It was all about simplicity and flexibility. Just put in some SQL to get pretty visuals and share insights with your team.


  • Collaborative SQL Editor: Mason was there for analysts, engineers, and product managers to work on their SQL queries easily, thus making teamwork smoother and faster.
  • Instant Dashboards: Users were able to put together and adjust dashboards in a jiffy. This helped them see data trends and insights at a glance.
  • Shared Query Bank: There was a place in Mason where everyone could pick up and reuse queries. This eliminated duplication of effort and kept things moving smoothly.
  • Smart SQL Editor: It employed AI technology to make the process of editing SQL smarter by providing hints and tips as users typed out their queries.
  • Learning from Queries: Mason continued to learn from the queries users made, becoming more efficient at suggesting useful info over time.


  • Enhanced Teamwork: Mason enabled members of different teams to share knowledge, work together, and solve problems effectively for smarter decisions.


  • Increased Efficiency: With features like real-time dashboards and a shared query bank, Mason enabled teams to quickly handle data tasks which saved both time and energy.


  • Deeper Insights: Thanks to its AI-powered editor and learning features, users were able to dig deeper into their data for easier decision-making.


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