

Product Information

Novable is a technology platform that specializes in startup and innovation scouting.

Added on September/08

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Novable Feature

Novable is an innovative AI-powered technology platform that aims to revolutionize startup and innovation scouting. Its primary focus is to deliver a client-centric methodology that seamlessly combines cutting-edge DeepMatching™ technology with expert insights to assist companies in discovering tomorrow's innovations today.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Powered Scouting: Novable uses DeepMatching™ technology for efficient startup and innovation scouting.

  2. Professional Scouting and Validation: The platform offers professional scouting, validation, and engagement support for companies.

  3. Vast Contextual Network: Novable provides access to a vast network covering millions of innovative companies across various countries and topics.

  4. Natural Language Search: Companies can submit scouting searches in natural language, making the process user-friendly.

  5. Time-Saving Efficiency: Novable saves companies time by filtering out irrelevant information and delivering personalized results.

  6. High Satisfaction Rate: Novable has earned the trust of visionary innovation professionals, boasting a 97% satisfaction rate.

  7. Resources for Inspiration: Novable offers valuable resources such as client stories, an e-book, and a blog to keep companies inspired and updated.

Use Cases:

  • Startup Scouting: Novable is ideal for companies seeking to identify and connect with the most promising startups.

  • Innovation Research: Companies can use Novable to conduct comprehensive innovation research and stay ahead in their industries.

Novable, the AI-powered innovation scouting platform, is the ultimate companion for companies embarking on their innovation journey. Its advanced technology, combined with expert insights and a wealth of data, empowers companies to explore, discover, and connect with the innovations of tomorrow, ensuring sustainable growth and competitiveness in the ever-evolving business landscape.

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