
Product Information

Generate ideas, recall concepts, catalog ideas and store knowledge.

Added on September/08

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Paid plans start from $40

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Personal AI is a revolutionary technology designed to create digital versions of users for enhanced cognitive abilities. Key features and advantages include:

  • Time-saving: Supplement existing cognitive abilities to increase productivity and recall memories/ideas quickly

  • Messaging-based system: Ask your AI questions and receive answers promptly

  • Secure and private: Built on encrypted blockchain technology to ensure data safety

  • Customizable: Teach the AI your preferences and habits for a personalized touch

  • AI-powered knowledge engine: Capture, organize, and search knowledge; generate drafts and highlights from articles

Use cases for Personal AI are ideal for various individuals:

  • Business professionals seeking to scale their impact and automate their thought processes

  • Students and researchers looking to quickly recall information and save time

  • Individuals aiming to enhance personal productivity and streamline tasks Reviews

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