

Product Information

AI co-pilot for data analysts

Added on May/30


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ProbeAI Feature

ProbeAI is an innovative tool designed to assist data analysts in their day-to-day tasks. By leveraging the power of AI, ProbeAI offers a range of features that streamline the process of working with SQL code and data tables.

Key Features:

  • Generate SQL code: ProbeAI can create SQL code based on a simple prompt, making it easy for data analysts to retrieve the necessary data quickly.

  • Automatically fix SQL: The AI can detect and correct errors in SQL code, saving time and reducing the risk of mistakes.

  • Find the right tables: ProbeAI can identify and suggest the most relevant tables for a given task, simplifying the process of locating the necessary data.

Use Cases:

  • Data analysts who need to generate SQL code quickly and accurately

  • Teams looking to improve the efficiency of their data analysis workflows

  • Professionals seeking to reduce errors in their SQL code

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