

Product Information

Generate creative AI art prompts for stunning, detailed, and reproducible images.

Added on July/05

Open Source No Signup Required

PromptoMANIA Feature

promptoMANIA is an AI art prompt generator designed to help you create stunning, detailed, and reproducible images. Key features and advantages include:

  • Free online tool that anyone can use to generate AI images on supported text-to-image models like CF SPARK, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion

  • Human-friendly prompt builder helps you craft a clear vision for your expected output

  • Grid Splitter tool can separate an index image from Midjourney or Stable Diffusion into individual pictures

  • Allows you to list down details for the prompt builder, and even reference people, objects, and places

Use cases for promptoMANIA involve creating AI-generated images for various purposes such as:

  • Artistic projects

  • Graphic design work

  • Generating images for social media or blog posts

  • Illustrations for books or articles

  • Creating images for presentations or pitches

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