

Product Information

Sutro is an AI-powered software development tool that leverages GPT-3 to enable users to quickly create applications.

Added on September/14

Discord Community

Sutro Feature

Sutro is an innovative software development tool driven by AI and powered by GPT-3. It introduces a revolutionary approach to app development, allowing users to transform their detailed app ideas into fully functional applications within a mere 30 seconds.

Key Features:

  1. Rapid App Creation: Transform detailed app ideas into functioning applications in just 30 seconds.

  2. Versatile App Development: Create various types of applications, with optimized support for social apps and marketplaces.

  3. Customizable Functionality: Tailor app features and user interactions based on individual requirements.

  4. Dedicated Discord Community: Engage with fellow users, receive support, and provide valuable feedback.

Use Cases:

  • Social App Development: Quickly build social apps with features like book browsing, personal bookshelves, reviews, or simple social networks.

  • Marketplace Creation: Develop marketplaces for various purposes, such as e-commerce, rentals, or services.

  • Prototyping and Idea Validation: Test app ideas and concepts rapidly to validate feasibility and gather user feedback.

  • Accelerated App Development: Save time and resources by leveraging Sutro's AI-powered functionality for rapid application development.

Sutro revolutionizes the software development process by harnessing the power of GPT-3 and AI.

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